Monday, August 27, 2012


Story-in-a-Box: Make an inventory list of 12 items. Name the item and describe it. Two to three sentences per item. Then create a story linking the items in a plot that you fabricate. 350-700 words. Have fun.
- The money (coins) 12 animals in chinese calender
- Chest nut
- Wallet
- Piece of cloth
- The face
- Ruler
- Plate- American Indian (ceramic)
- A canoe
- Chinese stamp
- Piece of glass- vase/ jar
- African statue
- Drum player statue
- Village

Jonny, a successful businessman retired at his age of 50. He had a hobby of traveling around the world, not only to visit the countries but also to collect all the small and unique souvenirs. After retiring, he visited many countries and brought home different souvenirs. Most of the countries he visited were in Asia. As an American, he found it was very interesting to explore the Asian cultures.
The first country he visited was China, the biggest country in Asia. He came to many famous places in China. The last day in China, he went to a souvenir shop for a Chinese stamp art, which is carved on a small block of green stone, called the seal carving. It is an ancient art and it represents the power of the owners. Jonny was also given a yellow ruler from the storeowner. The ruler was made of wood, and it is 3 inches wide and 15 inches long. The ruler shows the early measuring system of China.
By traveling to the west of China, Jonny continued with his trip to the Middle East. He was attracted by a little statue of a man in the farmer suit, holding a spoon with a drum. It seemed to be normal, but Jonny was interested in the drum in the statue’s hand. He assumed that the oldest drum that was discovered in Mesopotamia similar as the statue's drum.
Moving on with his trip, he chose Egypt to be his next stop. He bought another statue at the souvenir store. The statue was black, with ancient Egyptian costume on it. The statue was dressed wrap around the skirt, with a long piece of cloth over the shoulder. Egyptians were also famous for their sculpture work so Jonny got a carving work of a human head as a proof for the excellent skills of the Egyptians. It has a face of a white European person, with a baldhead and blue eyes.
Jonny picked South East Asia as his next destination. The first country he visited was Singapore. He got a blue wallet, which contained with six different Singapore coins, with animals’ faces were carved on them. Next, he came to Vietnam. He bought a porcelain house over there. The house was white, with a yard in the front, and surrounded by trees. It represents the old type of house in Viet Nam. Tobi, Jonny’s friend, invited Jonny to Malaysia. Tobi bought Jonny a wallet with the color of dark red and yellow. It was made of brocade fabric and also a handmade product. Before leaving Malaysia, he also bought a small vase. The little green and white vase was pottery. He wanted to give this vase for his wife because her favorite hobby was to arrange flowers.
Jonny came to Cambodia after that. He bought a gray scarf, with purple flowers on it. The scarf was very smooth and silky. He thought he could use it during the cold winter in the states. Because Thailand was the last Asian country that John visited, he ate a lot of food there, especially chestnuts. Chestnuts are the ultimate in a healthy gourmet food. They are brown, hard outside and soft inside. Moreover, the special thing in Thailand was the food was served on the similar plates. All plates are the same and they are made from ceramic. They had the color of black, white, and red. Jonny did not forget to buy that special plate to bring home.
On his way back to the states, Jonny stopped by Netherlands, where the oldest canoe in the world was found. He went to the museum to see the history of canoe throughout years. He received a canoe clay model from the museum. It was made of cloth with two pieces of wood on the two sides. He was pleased with the gift, and ready to be back to the states.
After visiting many countries in Asia and Europe, Jonny explored different cultures and bought a lot of souvenirs. Now he is too old so he could not travel the world anymore. However, he learned a lot of things and gained a lot of experiences after traveling to other countries.

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