Monday, September 24, 2012

How my group organized the presentation on "My native language is not English" - Trang Phung, Thanh Dao

My group has two people, Thanh and I. We chose the topic "My native language is not English” because we are both international students. I chose to present about how to use certain words such as “a lot, few and less, much and many” while my friend, Thanh, chose to work on phrases in sentences for our group presentation.
First of all, we visited the Leo webpage, read the information that we need for our presentation for three or four times to understand it. After that, we also visited other websites to learn more about our topics. When we were done with the online resources, we started to write down our group presentation on our blogspot. I myself wrote the first half of the presentation about my part –how to use certain words such as “a lot, few and less, much and many”. Thanh wrote the last part about sentence structures and how to place phrases in sentences. All our online resources is from the Leo webpage.
Because the presentation has to be somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes, each person have to present at least 3 minutes. My part is a little shorter than Thanh’s part so I will also do the introduction and conclusion. We will have our presentation on Monday, September 24th. We will try the best to present our topic so the whole class can understand.
In my presentation part, I will first talk about how to use the word “a lot”. The word a lot has to write in two words, and it also has the same meaning with “much” and “many”. “A lot” is followed by “of” when the meaning is general and by “of the” when the meaning if specific. I also give examples such as “A lot of students showed up in class today” has a general meaning while “A lot of the students in class today disagreed with my opinion” has a specific meaning.
Moreover, I will talk about how to use “few and less”, “much and many”.  “Few” and “many” are used with count nouns while “less” and “much” are used with non count nouns. Some counts nouns are used with “few” and “many” are students, teachers, dogs, and cats. Non-counts nouns are used with “less” and “many” are time, money, and controversy. I also give some example sentences with these words.
After I finish my part, Thanh will present about sentence structures and how to place phrases in sentences. Thanh will talk about 8 common kinds of phrases. They are noun phrase, appositive phrase, verb phrase, absolute phrase, prepositional phrase, gerund phrase, participial phrase, and infinitive phrase. She will give the definition to each phrase and so do examples.
Lastly in the presentation, I will do the conclusion to sum up everything that we mentioned about. All our resources are from the Lao webpage so we recommend other students to visit the webpage. The Leo webpage contains a lot of interesting information about English grammars, English structures, organize and develop the writings, not only for international students but for everyone. 

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